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Safe, Secure and Loved: Resilient Families is a neighbor-to-neighbor parent education system designed to promote  psychological strengths that can buffer the impact of adversity, trauma and poverty on young children's healthy development. 

Safe, Secure and Loved: Resilient Families Parent Education Programs leverage the power of recent discoveries from the science of early child development, neurobiology, and resilience to empower families to help their young children build a more peaceful heart and strong and flexible mind. 


Safe, Secure and Loved: Resilient Families Parent Education Programs are organized around six HABITS OF RESILIENCE.  Parents learn to use mindfulness and self-compassion practices to manage stress and promote HABITS OF RESILIENCE in daily family routines.

Safe, Secure and Loved: Resilient Families Parent Education Programs are designed to be led by community champions to promote family and community resilience with maximum effectiveness and sustainability. 

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